You may submit your question no later than Tuesday, March 6th.
You may register for the call no later than Saturday, March 10th.
These must be firm deadlines and you have much time to get in your requests by then. We will be out of town on Sunday not returning until right before the call. I will be out of pocket and unable to help you. Please take care of your requests asap. Thank you much. I also encourage you to invite professionals you are dealing with to attend this call. It will be of much benefit to them as well. To submit your questions or to register, please email [email protected].
Dr Bone works primarily in a consultative capacity all across the United States and Canada, advising attorneys and parents and grandparents in the furtherance of their cases in court. Dr Evans performs expert testimony and does comprehensive evaluations focused on parental alienation all over the United States. In addition to their normal endeavors, Drs Evans and Bone co-founded the National Association of Parental Alienation Specialists ( The purpose of this organization is to educate attorneys and mental health professionals in all areas of parental alienation. We have often found that those who should understand parental alienation - forensic psychologists appointed by courts, and Family Law attorneys - do not. Due to this, great miscarriages of justice within the Family Law area are not only common, but largely predictable. This call draws from this course.
Additionally, Drs Bone and Evans will be addressing the role of self representation or pro se representation during this call. As more and more parents end up, at some point, representing themselves due to the backbreaking financial demands of attorney representation, this topic will be addressed and interwoven throughout the entire call. If one is representing oneself, it is all the more important to be the most informed person in the courtroom about parental alienation.
Below is an outline of just some of the topics touched upon:
- How Can This Happen: the counterintuitive nature of parental alienation
- The Science of Misperception: Part I
- Attachment Theory and PA
- Defining Parental Alienation
- Parenting: healthy and parentally alienated
- How is it that Children can describe things that never occurred: what the research shows
- How Memory works: Steven Ceci’s work and does not work
- The power of parental attachment and the irrationality of alienation
- A Brief History of how parental alienation has evolved
- The Science of Misperception Part 2: the work of Elizabeth Loftus and false memories
- Prevalence of PA ranging from 20% to 60%
- Gender prevalence for alienating parents
- Pathological Parenting and PA
- History of PA from the 19th century to the present
- The Lucifer Effect: how good people can do bad things and the research of Phillip Zimbardo
- The empirically validated 17 alienating behaviors of alienating parents
- Brainwashing techniques used by alienating parents
- When children lie under pressure
- National Abuse statistics and what they mean
- Detection of PA
- The progressive course of PA
- Assessing Abuse allegations: false and actual
- Relationship deterioration in the progression of PA
- The alienated child’s fear of the alienating parent
- Levels of Severity of PA
- The 8 symptoms of PA
- Estrangement vs Alienation
- Bias and identifying it
- Consequences of PA
- Treatment Programs
- Why conventional therapy does not work
- Current Programs for PA
- Strategic considerations for lawyers
- Representing the Alienating Parent: Ethical considerations
- Representing the Targeted Parent: Exposing the alienation
- The various roles of various experts in PA cases
- Critiquing misguided evaluations and evaluators
- Critiquing misguided guardians