When this occurs, elements within the system that are designed to protect children – Child Protective Services, Department of Children and Families – come into play and intervene for purposes of protecting the child from any such possible danger. It is precisely these parts of the “System” that are then exploited by the false allegations that are present when parental alienation is present.
It is important to realize that these protective parts of the “System” are typically public agencies, funded by public monies.
As public agencies, the personnel who are assigned to evaluate the veracity of these allegations, are typically overworked and under trained. Most forensic experts would agree that performing evaluations to determine the likelihood that a child was truly abused or molested, are perhaps the most difficult and complex evaluations that exist.
It should not be surprising then to realize that when alienating parents orchestrate a false allegation of abuse, that such exploitation, with evaluators who are truly not qualified to evaluate what they are assigned to evaluate, are easy prey.
This defrauding, manipulation and consequent involvement of the protective agency, possibly also including law enforcement, is a common element in these cases that often separates a parent from a child, when no danger is in fact present.
This duping of such agencies which are designed to protect, corrupts them into becoming a force that ironically assists in the alienation of the child from that falsely accused parent. This is not the fault of the individual overworked and under trained agency worker, but the result of the “System’s” vulnerability for such exploitation. Some how, the Court is assigned with the task of sorting all of this out.
We will cover the topic of Law, Family Law and Rules of Evidence: How It is Supposed to Work in my next blog.
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