Family Court 1, What works and why - Audio File
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Only in Family Court does an absence of evidence equal evidence of absence. That’s why every potential litigant and his or her attorney needs this course.
Family Court 1
What Works, What Doesn't and Why
Audio File - AV104
Only in Family Court does an absence of evidence equal evidence of absence. That’s why every potential litigant and his or her attorney needs this course.
Experienced Family Court litigants and attorneys will readily agree that Family Court is unpredictable and inconsistent when it comes to outcomes. In cases involving parental alienation, the subjective nature of Family Court is amplified. This three-part course examines why judges have such difficult times making fair and accurate rulings in parental alienation cases, and what you can do to help insure a positive outcome.
The course begins with a brief overview of the Family Court experience – not from a legal perspective, but as an anthropologist might describe the culture and systems of an exotic society. You’ll learn how Family Court works – as opposed to how you believe it should work. You’ll discover the unpredictability isn’t the exception to the rule, the unpredictability is an inherent part of the Family Court process. We’ll even show you how a consistent set of facts can result in very different outcomes!
The course also explores the factors that do predict outcomes more consistently. These principals often have nothing to do with the law or the facts of the case. However, the nature of bias, confusion, cognitive dissonance and premature closure are critical elements of the process.
Finally, these elements are pulled together and turned into tools and strategies to improve your ability to effectively communicate your position in Court. Both hypothetical and real examples will demonstrate the application, reliability and limits of the approach.
What Works, What Doesn't and Why
Audio File - AV104
- Length: 3 hours
- Mac and Windows compatible.
- Audio file is a Quicktime Movie or mp3.
- Study Guide - Mircosoft Word
Only in Family Court does an absence of evidence equal evidence of absence. That’s why every potential litigant and his or her attorney needs this course.
Experienced Family Court litigants and attorneys will readily agree that Family Court is unpredictable and inconsistent when it comes to outcomes. In cases involving parental alienation, the subjective nature of Family Court is amplified. This three-part course examines why judges have such difficult times making fair and accurate rulings in parental alienation cases, and what you can do to help insure a positive outcome.
The course begins with a brief overview of the Family Court experience – not from a legal perspective, but as an anthropologist might describe the culture and systems of an exotic society. You’ll learn how Family Court works – as opposed to how you believe it should work. You’ll discover the unpredictability isn’t the exception to the rule, the unpredictability is an inherent part of the Family Court process. We’ll even show you how a consistent set of facts can result in very different outcomes!
The course also explores the factors that do predict outcomes more consistently. These principals often have nothing to do with the law or the facts of the case. However, the nature of bias, confusion, cognitive dissonance and premature closure are critical elements of the process.
Finally, these elements are pulled together and turned into tools and strategies to improve your ability to effectively communicate your position in Court. Both hypothetical and real examples will demonstrate the application, reliability and limits of the approach.